Welcome to...
The migdal
What's a MIGDAL, anyway?
Migdal means 'tower' in Hebrew and is located in the centre of Solelim. The Migdal is one of our campers' favourite hangout spots and has lots of space to write letters, talk to friends, or play the ukelele!
"Zar lo yavin zot"
זר לא יבין זאת
a stranger wouldn't understand
Sounds of the
Why a stranger wouldn't understand >

Solelim is smaller than most camps: we can see the entire camp while standing on top of the Migdal. We live in tents, not cabins. We don't have tennis courts or a sail boats. What we do have is exceptional programming, incredible ruach (spirit), an environment where you can be yourself free and a chevrah (community) that we love and that loves us for who we are. The Migdal is located at the heart of camp and gets to watch the magic of Solelim happen. Someone who is not a Solelimnik simply wouldn't understand why this place means so much to those who are lucky to call it home.